
[bgsection pex_attr_title=”THE PROBLEM” pex_attr_subtitle=”How conferences usually work?” pex_attr_undefined=”undefined” pex_attr_style=”section-light2″ pex_attr_bgcolor=”EDF5F7″ pex_attr_image=”” pex_attr_imageopacity=”0.5″ pex_attr_bgimagestyle=”static” pex_attr_titlecolor=”252525″ pex_attr_textcolor=”777777″ pex_attr_height=”” pex_attr_cssclass=””]

Step 1:

You hold an amazing conference!

You with your team want to help people live better lives and succeed in business.

You put 120% into organizing the best conference ever:
you get the best speakers,
you make wonders with the venue
and everything goes perfectly.

 Step 2:

People leave happy & inspired!

They enjoyed the information, entertainment & got so many new valuable acquaintances.

They have taken down some notes and are motivated to apply everything in their life & business at once.
Yet, the very next day …

 Step 3?

They don’t take any action … 🙁

Well, at the end of the day, we are all human, the real life intervenes and we forget everything.

Our visual brain remembers only small bits from the speeches, so:
– It’s hard to share the knowledge with the team,
– It takes too much effort to take action,
– It might make us feel bad to waste money & time on the event.


[bgsection pex_attr_title=”3 EASY SOLUTIONS” pex_attr_subtitle=”But how to make taking action convenient?” pex_attr_undefined=”undefined” pex_attr_style=”section-light” pex_attr_bgcolor=”f7f7f7″ pex_attr_image=”” pex_attr_imageopacity=”0.1″ pex_attr_bgimagestyle=”static” pex_attr_titlecolor=”252525″ pex_attr_textcolor=”777777″ pex_attr_height=”” pex_attr_cssclass=””] 

 Level 1:

Actionable Workbooks


Attendees get TimeBook style WorkBooks to independently & conveniently apply all the learnt lessons in their business and life with memorable results.

  • Detailed notes to remember speeches
  • Illustrations to quickly share with team
  • Engaging worksheets to take real action
  • Convenient system to grow every day a little
  • It may be part of the conference ticket or upsell.


Download an Example

 Level 2:

Event Special Coaches

Attendees can easily hire coaches that have attended your event and you get an extra income stream just for connecting them. (Like AirBnb, Uber & Amazon)

  • System to connect the attendees and coaches
  • Curriculum and tools for the coaches to use
  • Extra value for your audience
  • Extra income for you
  • More Clients for the coaches

 Level 3:

Hands-On Contractors

Attendees can easily hire a team of specialists that attended your event and you get an extra income stream just for connecting them. (Like AirBnb, Uber & Amazon)

  • System to connect the attendees and specialists
  • Tools for the specialists to take action efficiently
  • Extra value for your audience
  • Extra income for you
  • More clients for the contractors


[bgsection pex_attr_title=”What's Next?” pex_attr_subtitle=”I am interested” pex_attr_undefined=”undefined” pex_attr_style=”section-light” pex_attr_bgcolor=”ffffff” pex_attr_image=”” pex_attr_imageopacity=”0.1″ pex_attr_bgimagestyle=”static” pex_attr_titlecolor=”252525″ pex_attr_textcolor=”777777″ pex_attr_height=”” pex_attr_cssclass=””]

Let’s start a conversation and let’s create the best experience for your audience

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Or contact me for more information:

Mihkel Sepp
Creator of TimeBook
[email protected]
US Phone: +1 (424) 444-0424
EU Phone: +372 508 7048
