W101 – Step 0 – Money Mindset Challenge

What's Money Mindset?

1. Watch this Video from Tony Robbins 🎓
 11.5 minutes (automatic stop on 11:35)

2. Enjoy Real Action 🚀

1. Go back to MentorBot
2. Answer the questions
3. Get ready for Step 1

Bonus: Summary & Notes 📝
(for visual people)

Everything we do in our lives is to avoid pain or gain pleasure.

We self-sabotage ourselves financially, if we sub-consciously or consciously believe that
A. having more money creates pain.
B. having lack of money creates pleasure.

Therefore, it’s our responsibility to change the neurological associations with money with healthy beliefs. For a lot of people having a lot of money is an unfamiliar situation, which means uncertainty, which leads to avoiding it. You need to start enjoying to have the money.

– Get rid of the false beliefs that you are not wealthy. (Gratitude)
– Is it right to make more money? Should you make more money?
– We are all equal in our opportunities, but we don’t use it equally.
– Your finances will not change until your core beliefs change.
– Create a road to financial wealth, that also others can use.

Beliefs are nothing but a feeling of certainty what something means.

In the following seven steps, we are going to make you love money.